Fairbanks area postal workers protest in response to Trump's statements about privatizing the postal service. Sen. Dan Sullivan's legislative address contrasts Sen. Lisa Murkowski's take on the first couple months of the new Trump administration. UAF study finds EVs can save money for rural Alaska drivers in some situations. North Pole City Council accepts resignation for not one -- but two -- council members
Tanana Chiefs Conference directors vote to rejoin the Alaska Federation of Natives. Alaska's fired federal workers begin filing unemployment claims. Eielson AFB F-16s intercept U.S. B-1 Bomber as part of training exercise. Delta City Junction city council member's lawsuit continues with evidentiary hearing. FNSB Assembly approves of ordinance that adds Juneteenth as an official borough holiday.
Stories in this newscast include: FNSB Assembly votes down contract for voting machines – may force change to hand-counting. National Weather Service has 30% vacancy rate and forecasts are already affected. ACLU of Alaska sues state Department of Corrections for inmate’s death from ear infection turned to meningitis. Iditarod reports a dog died outside Galena.
Anxiety growing for Ukrainian newcomers currently living in the Interior. Heliskiers killed in recent avalanche near Girdwood all had ties to the state of Minnesota. Iditarod mushers and dogs get checkpoint treats as they rest in Galena.